3 Keys To Sell Online

Selling online is getting more strength everyday. With the raise of Shopify, Etsy and many more, this business is getting more popular. In our case our clients are focused on the Auto Industry, Construction and Food Industry. However, we strongly believe that these principles apply to every industry, platform or even country.

If you want to succeed in the world of online sales here are the 3 major pillars that you should be targeting the most regardless of the product or the industry that you will be selling.

  • High Quality Photos

    We really recommend not taking photos at night or at the end of the afternoon or when it is already dark. Ideally, you should take photos with good lighting. Whether it’s with your phone or with a camera, you should aim to have a quality of light. If you have the option/budget to get a professional photographer specialized on your niche it will be much better.

  • Product Description

    Remember your customers are seeing your product online, they can’t touch, test, smell, or feel your product. That is why having a very well written description of your product is super important. People might think that no one will read a description, however, any person that is actually trying to buy a product they will READ the full the description. This will create trust on your potential customer and will make them feel safe to buy from you.

  • Price

    When we talk about price we are not saying that you need the cheapest price on the market, but we only mean that is part of the 3 things that you shouldn’t miss if you want to sell any product online. Just think about it, when you’re placing an order on amazon on ebay. Would you buy a product that doesn’t have a price. Let us answer that for you: YOU WILL NOT. That is why price is very important.

Stay tuned, on future blogs, we will go deep on each pillar, to guide you on how to sell online regardless of your industry, platform or country.


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